So out of EA
and Ubisoft I decided to watch Ubisoft first. Mostly because other than Far Cry
3 and Assassins Creed III I couldn’t really think of anything else I care about
from Ubisoft. But I must say, I am rather impressed with the Ubisoft
conference. It wasn’t as good as Sony’s conference, but it was pretty close! Now
if you have seen my opinions on the other conference’s you will know that I do
my first paragraph on my first impression or if I have to mention something I
will put it there. Then for the second paragraph I will roughly run through
what happened. Then last paragraph I give my final verdict. But for this
conference and EA’s conference I am just going to combine the two together.
All in all, Ubisoft
conference was pretty cool. The intro with that dancing game that I couldn't hate more kind of turned me off, but I got over it. And the host got pretty
annoying after a while. But other than that it was a pretty good conference. Showing
off games like Far Cry 3, Assassins Creed 3, Watch Dogs and the new Rayman
Origins for WiiU (and more) were all really nice and well set out. There was a
cool 3v3 match with a bunch of Counter Strike champions and Tobuscus was
featured backstage asking questions to dev’s to answer. From that we found out
cool things, like Far Cry 3 has 4 islands to explore. Along with more WiiU stuff, couple of funny
jokes and more Tobuscus, it was a pretty good conference. There were times when
I was getting a bit bored and I think they could have easily shortened it down
a bit. Other than those few complaints (as I have said many times now) it was
pretty good. Make sure to tell me your opinions in the comments or at twitter
or even on facebook! Tomorrow we will see Nintendo and EA conference, that’s
all for now. Cya!
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