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- Michael

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Microsoft's Live Conference E3 2012

Hey guys, before I get onto Microsoft’s live conference I just want to give you guys a little schedule. So by the time I post this E3 day 0 (Day one starts tomorrow, today was only conferences and previews, not the real deal though) should have ended. What I plan to do is post Microsoft Conference, Sony Conference by today. Then Nintendo Conference tomorrow once it actually happens. By the time I have posted Nintendo's Conference I would have already finished EA's conference and Ubisoft's Conference, but I won't post those till after Nintendo. After I upload Sony's conference I will also upload an updated links article, linking you to all the vids that came out today, if you don't want to wait for that article go to @AsylumArticles on twitter and all the links are there. Hope you enjoy the following article and remember to give your opinions too. Whether you agree or disagree with me I would love to hear everyone’s thoughts. Now onto the article.

So Microsoft’s Live Press Conference was the first E3 related thing I watched today. It started off strong. Showing off some cool new titles like Halo 4, and even little bits of Kinect that weren’t too bad. Then it reached around the 40 minute mark where everything went wrong. I think it was the leader of marketing (or someone like that) came out to talk about Xbox 360’s new features. It was 20 minutes of pathetic boringness. I understand they want to show of the new features of the Kinect, but they could have done it so much shorter. And not all in one go. It was extremely boring and a major turn off. I was skipping through to try and find the next part. Then when I found the next part I was disappointed more, who the f*ck cares about Nike? Who pays so much money for a ticket to E3 to listen to something about Nike? NO-ONE! Then after that we had Usher come and sign to us for what seemed like years. They finished the conference off with Black Ops II gameplay which was one of the only good things of that conference.

So let me go into more detail now. The only good things about the conference where some of the games they showed off. The Kinect features for FIFA 13 and Madden 13 was cool. The new south park game, Halo 4, Gears of War: Judgment, Black Ops II and Splinter Cell: Black list was cool. The overall feel of the conference was like it was put together last minute, they must have known how crappy it was because no one even came out at the end to say goodbye. Just sticking in random game trailers here and there to make sure people stayed through the boredom. Over all it was a major disappointment. They should have just showed off all the games in one go (and not have people come out to talk, because all the people who talked were pathetic and shouldn’t have said a word!) then said “Hey were going to show you some crappy Kinect and usher now! Feel free to leave”. Would have been much, much better that way. Put it this way, if this is the “best” conference from today, then I don’t even want to watch the rest!


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