!!Welcome newcomers!!

If you have never been here before, I would like to thank you for coming here and welcome! If you have been here before, then it just goes to show I'm doing something right. Asylum Articles is a place where everyone (from MLG pro to beginner noob) can read up on the latest news, see what games are coming out soon and read a review of a game already out. You can even join in on things like polls, forums and just chat with others on any post you like. Feel free to leave all forms of feedback (although please be respectful, all abusive comments will be deleted as soon as possible) and help us improve this site so everyone can enjoy it. Now that you have finished reading this post you can go and do what you want. Read, write and enjoy!

- Michael

Friday, 30 March 2012

Console VS PC Gaming, which is better?

NOTE: The following article was written by my newest writer Matt. He is a PC Elitist who will be posting a weekly article on gaming related topics. This week he is using my account to post his article, so to stop all of you thinking its me (Michael) its not, its Matty. Now for the article: 

 Let me lead this article by saying I am a PC elitist. Now to the half of you who didn't instantly click away because I just said that, please hear me out. I am a PC Elitist because I feel I have valid reasons to be. Some of them are just to troll, and some of them are legitiment. This article will not just be me banging on about how PC gamers are the master race and how you should all become one of us (although I do think that and you should become one of us if you aren't). This will be a break down in to the pros the different devices have over one another and to which audience they are better suited for. So let's get down to it then, and we'll start with the console.

Regardless of which console you prefer (that's a flame war I don't much feel like starting) there are easy and distinguishable benefits that anyone can see right of the bat. The most glaring one is price. The initial price of a console is USUALLY much cheaper than that of a good gaming PC (especially if your chosen console is the Wii). As a direct example, A comprible gaming PC will usually start of costing you around 800-1000 dollars, where as consoles tend to range from about 250-550 depending on the type you want. This is something that is immediately attractive to people. To the teenager who is not yet making a full income because they are still in school, or to anyone who is not making a lot of money, and still wants to game, a price gap this large is hard to resist. To parents buying games and consoles for their kids, this is the first thing they will look at and is the most likely to sway their decision. This leads right in to my next point, the market.

Consoles are aimed at younger gamers, plain and simple. You can see it in their price, there design, even the games that populate them, everything is designed for a younger audience. Now we all have a story or 2 about some squeaker or screamer who has come into our Call of Duty lobby and explained, with many swears and racial slurs, how good he/she (it's occasionally a she) is and how we're all "N00bs” about to get "pwned".  While many will argue that games like Call of Duty are rated MA 15+, and that these kids shouldn't be playing these games, in my humble opinion, this isn't true. Games like Call of Duty are designed for children and casual gamers. They designed so that someone who isn't very good or experienced at the game can do well. That's why there are killstreaks, that's why there are deathstreaks, and that's why the guns have relatively little recoil. Call of Duty is designed for casual gamers and children, which is why they are such a gaming juggernaught today, and why so many other games have tried to copy their formula for success. Now the discussion about Call of Duty is best left for another time, but you can't argue at who it's aimed at, younger gamers. Things about the movie tie in games, like the racing game that came out for Cars 2, did it come to PC? No. What about sports titles that people in high school or college will be dying to play, fifa games, NFL, NHL, all the EA sports games really, do they release those for PC? A console is designed for younger and casual gamers, and you can see even more argument for that in how easy a console is to use.
For anyone who has a controller for a console, go and grab it and count how many buttons you see on it. Now I have an Xbox 360 controller (I don't believe it differs much for the PS3, maybe for the Wii, and I won't get into older consoles) and I count 13, including the triggers, shoulder buttons and the thumbsticks, as they click in. Now for anyone near a keyboard, look down at how many buttons you have. I'm not going to make you count them as that would be cruel, but it's substantially more (again, depending on your keyboard and mouse, my keyboard possess about 30 extra buttons and my mouse has about 10 extras).  This is a huge factor into why console gaming is successful in the market it's aimed at. While it takes some time, getting adjusted to a controller is obviously easier than getting acquainted to a keyboard and mouse. Every controller is designed from the very start to be perfect for gaming, for the placement of its buttons, thumbsticks and triggers, to the shape and feel of the controller, everything is designed for ease of use. However unless you have bought a specialized gaming keyboard and gaming mouse (I have, once again, PC Elitist) then you are using equipment that has been primarily designed for surfing the web and writing text documents, not exactly ideal for gaming. The other benefit that a console with controllers has over a PC with a keyboard and mouse is the ability of multiplayer gaming.

Let me tell a quick story. Last weekend I spent it staying around at a buddies due to the fact my transport service to and from work was down and he lives closer to where I work than I do. Now we are both PC gamers (although he does own consoles) and we wanted to play some games together. You see the problem, split screen or multiplayer gaming isn't possible on a pc. With a console you can gather up a few buddies and play games together. Games like Super Smash Brothers, Guitar Hero, Halo, Need for Speed, all these make great gaming experiences you can share with your buddies. If you're a gamer on the PC however looking for a multiplayer experience, then you need to have an internet connection. These point falls into the same point as the market that consoles are aimed at. Younger people, usually mid teens, are more likely to be the ones to have their friends over after school to do some gaming with them. Once you're out of school and into work, it's very rare you invite your buddies round to come game with you. In the 2 years since I've left school, last weekend was the first time this dilemma had come up.
Ok, now that I've had to betray everything I love to speak highly of consoles, allow me to slip back into my natural role and talk about the benefits of PC gaming.

Now let me pick up where I left off with the whole price talk. Yes, a console is going to less expensive than a PC to buy the hardware. But let's think about that some more. Every time a new game comes out, how much are you paying for it? Depending on where you live and the time of game (we won't include the various collectors editions as that skews the numbers even wider) you're looking at somewhere between 50-120 dollars for a new game. Now what about PC? Well for starters a lot of PC games are free. Games like Blacklight Retribution, Tribes Ascend, Quake Live, League of Legends, Perfect World, EVE Online, DC Universe Online, Team Fortress 2, etc. While you can pay money for these games through microtransaction, all of these games are free to download and play. The other thing you may or may not notice is that when you go to a retailer, say EB Games or JB HI-FI, a new PC title is usually about $10 cheaper than it equivalent on a console. Why is this? Well it's because physical retailers have to compete with online retailers, and that brings me to my next point.
Online retailers make PC gaming a lot more accessible and cost effective for a lot of people. The biggest of these is Valve's service, Steam, so I'm going to focus primarily on that. Steam is amazing for both developers and customers. It allows the developers, from Massive titles like Skyrim, to indie titles like Bastion, to release and market there game to a user base of over 38 million. With integrated support, steam also allows developers to push patches and fixes for games almost instaneously, without having to wait through the certification and approval process that console gamers endure (again, something I will discuss in depth at a later time). The steam sales that are held are also a boom for PC gaming and something no retailer that I know of can rival. If I pop open my steam library, I have 162 games currently. A website has estimated the value of that at over $2200, but I haven't even paid close to that much. During the Steam Christmas sale you could find games like Borderlands (the game of the year edition with all of the DLC) for $3.50, Bioshock was $5, Monday Night Combat was $3, and Just Cause 2 was $7. I have yet to see a physical retailer even come close to matching those kinds of prices. The other major feature of Steam is the Steam Workshop. This allows the community to access the tools necessary to create mods for the games they love, and then place them on to Steam for everyone to try and play. This brings me nicely to my next point, modding.

 Now modding exists on the console, but the modding you mostly see is the people who decided their gamertags need to be red instead of white, or the people who float around the map in god mod firing unlimited noobtubes (you know, those wonderful chaps). The modding on PC however, is different. While yes, modders whose sole purpose it to come in and ruin the game for everyone but themselves still exist, there are also those who mod to enrich the game for everyone. The most successful story of this is Skyrim. Elder Scrolls 5 had over 200 mods within 3 days of its release. This is well before anyone had enough time to play through the whole game, and before the tools necessary to mod the game were even released, this is staggering. People got the game and simply modded it, not played, modded. Whether it was getting rid of all the spiders in the game for those of us who are deathly afraid of them (something, I personally, am extremely thankful for) or adding floating cities in the sky. Serious mods like adding the ability to craft new items like enchanted arrows, to the not so serious mods of turning all the dragons into Macho Man Randy Savage (please Google the video that accompanies this mod, to anyone who has played Skyrim, it will make you laugh hysterically, I promise), these mods enhance and enrich the game, adding hours and hours of additional gameplay and features for nothing. Other mods keep games looking fresh and new, such the HD texture mod for classic PC game Deus Ex, allowing a truly great title to withstand the test of time and aging graphics, and here lies my next point, graphics.

If you have never seen Battlefield 3 on a PC that can handle it at its highest graphical settings, then you are simply missing out, it is awe inspiring. As someone who owns a PC capable of running that game at its best, I found it so beautiful and so mesmerizing that I had to turn the graphics down, as I kept getting distracted and killed. If you are looking for the best possible graphical experience, a PC will win every time. Now the money required to build a PC that will handle the top tier games at there most graphically intense will set you back quite a large chunk of change (somewhere in the ball park of $2000) but if you have the money to spend and what to see games like Crysis look so good you could swear it was a movie, then PC is the only way to go. 

All of these points combine into my last one to support PC Gaming, and that is our market. People who game on a PC, the people who have been bothered to go and spend the money, to build their custom machine, to learn how to put it all together, are simply more mature and more invested in gaming. Will you get trolled in games still, yes, definitely, in fact if you play games with me, it's a certainty. But in all my time gaming on PC, I have never run into a squeaker, calling me racial slurs and talking about how my mother is in bed, not once. The games PC gamers play just aren't meant for kids and casual gamers. Look at games like EVE Online and Starcraft, I can't wrap my head around those games, they are so advanced and complicated, with so many little nuances that it would be impossible for a casual gamer to walk in and just pick it up. The same could be said for anyone who likes RTS games, or simulators, (I'm talking about Microsoft Flight Sim and no The Sims, in case you're wondering) these games are simply too advanced for anyone to really play casually.

But when it boils down to it, people will play what they are most comfortable with, and that's fine. As I stated, I am a PC Elitist, so I love my PC. I think it is a far superior platform for gaming, but I can see the reasons that someone would play a console, hell I used to love my Xbox 360, played it a tonne and met some wonderful friends on Xbox Live. So in short, I can't decide which is better, only you can decide that. You know what you like and prefer, and hey, if I've helped strengthen your argument for either platform, then great. If I've helped you consider a different platform then that's awesome too. Regardless we are all gamers, so we will all game and whatever we want, and be happy about it, although if you want to be happy on PC, then lemme know, we could always use one more PC elitist for the cause.

(Note: The following P.S. is by Michael, not Matt)
Hey guys, hope you enjoyed Matt's first Article. You guys will be seeing a new article by him once a week. If you have any questions have a Gaming PC (I mean any questions) feel free to ask him on either his twitter: @MrMattyMouse or his email: matthewwaterworth@yahoo.com. Or if you want to ask a question about anything in general then go this twitter: @AsylumArticles or Facebook: Asylum Articles. That is all for now, don't forget to leave feedback!

Quick Update

Hey guys, lots of things have been happening recently that I would love to tell you all. But because I am not going to do that right now you can expect to see all the news in a later post (later meaning tomorrow maybe). For now I would just like to say three things. The first being that I am longer sick, so I am back in the game and will be a bit more active now. The second is that the God of War 3 review will be posted very, very soon. The last thing is that within the next hour the next article will be up. But this time it isn’t mine, I have a new person writing for me. A quick info on him: His name is Matt, he is a PC Elitist and is willing to help anyone with PC’s (more info on that will be in his post). So stick around for the newest article of a newest write, and please, do enjoy!

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Don't leave me Zipper!

A rumour has been running around over at Kotaku that Zipper Interactive (owned by Sony) is going to be shutdown. Although Sony has declined to comment on the matter to them (Kotaku), they’ve heard chatter for several days that Zipper was being hit with layoffs and a project cancellation. This indicates that the studio will be shutdown.

Zipper Interactive was founded in 1995, it started off creating games purely for Microsoft Windows all the way up till 2002. In that year (2002) Zipper found its fame with a PS2 Exclusive game: SOCOM: US Navy Seals. After a slew of SOCOM games in 2006 on the PS2 and PSP, Sony decided to buy Zipper Interactive. Since then they have released more SOCOM games, MAG and Unit 13.

In my eyes Zipper has always made great games. SOCOM was an amazing Tactical Third-Person Shooter that made Zipper famous. Then MAG came out and it really showed the talent of Zipper. Massive battles with up to 120+ people in a match. It had everything from creative customization to great gameplay. The most recent game produced by Zipper is Unit 13 for the PS Vita. Unit 13 is a great game that has gotten great reviews all around, a few people have even said it is one of the best games on the Vita and one of the best shooters on any portable device.

Zipper Interactive will always, in my mind, a great developer and will never be forgotten in the gaming world. Let’s just hope that it will be able to last a few more years to maybe make one last game.

Hey guys, Michael here. Just like to say a few things, first of all a couple of new writers will be posting reviews and articles. Please be kind to these new writers and make sure to share the website with all your friends. I will be doing a new type of review which will be called “Quickie”. Its where I play a demo, multiplayer or some part of a smaller game for 1 hour (or more if I can), after the hour is over I go straight to my computer and right a small 1-2 paragraph review. This new type of review will be up before Easter. Games that are going to be reviewed very soon: God of War III, Star Wars: Force Unleashed and Dragon Age: Origins. I would like to thank Very Reasonably Priced Games for giving me Star Wars and Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate edition for an extremely cheap price. Make sure you check out their website: http://www.veryreasonablypricedgames.com/

Also if you want to buy any of Zippers games that I mentioned today check out these links:

One more thing (I know this is getting really long, just hold on a couple more sentence’s, I am currently dying due to a cold, so please donate money to me so I can live. On the real side, I am sick so that means I won’t be as active for a couple of weeks (sickness leads to catching up of school work and not being able to see typo’s and spelling mistakes) but if the new people send me their stuff then I will be able to post that for you guys. 

Saturday, 17 March 2012

News update

Hello gamers of the world, this is the first of many (hopefully) news updates. Where every Saturday or Sunday I will post the most recent trailers, messages and all sorts of gaming information in General. Before we start I would just like to say two things. Please check out the Twitter Account (In case you can’t see the link on the home page just search AsylumArticles and the site should pop up) and give a like to the Facebook page (Note: Facebook page not up yet, will be up before 6:00pm today). Also until I decide to make a YouTube channel, all trailers and video’s will come from other peoples channels (only going to pick people who I think deserve the views).Now for your gaming news.

2k Games’ Bioshock Infinite came out with their newest “Hard Hitters” trailer showing off the “Handy Man”. This powerful beast looks like he is going to make our lives much harder in Bioshock Infinite. 

THQ has confirmed that Crytek will not only be making Crysis 3, but also making Homefront 2. One of the only problems (personal opinion incoming) I had with Homefront was the bad graphics, the movement of your character and the storyline (it was good, but could have been a lot better, especially after the half way mark).

The popular TV show “Walking Dead” is going to be a game. A teaser trailer has already been released and it looks like it’s going to be a beautiful, emotional and fantastic game. Although we said that about another certain game *cough* Dead Island *cough* which ended up being a massive failure, this could be different. 

Speaking of TV shows, Game of Thrones is also going to become a game. It’s going to be an RPG and a walkthrough of the combat system has been posted on YouTube by an employee at Atlus.

The sequel to the first ever Post Apocalyptic RPG Wasteland is being made. Wasteland to has already made $1,227,439 thanks to people who are kind enough to donate. If you wish to be one of these donators, visit the site:  http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/inxile/wasteland-2

Well that is all for now, sorry if this news update wasn’t the best but you can only learn from your mistakes... right? Enjoy your weekend and the review for Homefront should be up on the site sometime next week. (Probably before Wednesday).

Monday, 12 March 2012

Morality - Making games feel more real since 1980

The morality system has always been a big part of games. It’s the fine line that separates evil from good. Mass Effect, Bioshock, inFamous, Fallout and Fable (and more) have all had a morality (or karma) system. Even games like Missile Command released back in the 1980’s had a morality system. But games like Missile Command didn’t have the morality system spelled out in big bold letters or had bar like image to show how much people see you as a hero or villain. No missile command didn’t have any of this, it didn’t even hint that it had one. But what did make missile command have the morality system was you!

Here is a quick rundown of missile command: You have 6 towns and 3 missile silos. You use the missile silos to shoot down an endless army of meteor’s to protect your silos and towns. This is where the morality system comes in, see there are a lot of meteors and only few missiles, after the first few rounds you are going to find it harder and harder to protect your missiles and the towns. You have to make a hard to decision to just purely protect a certain amount of towns and let one go, or only worry about one town and just purely protect your missile silos. But no matter what it seemed deaths were always because of you, and even though it was just a pixelated 1980’s video game, it still left you feeling like a prick for allowing a town to die.

Its small things like that, which put you in a tight spot, were you have to decide who to let go. With the games I mentioned before (see: Mass Effect, Bioshock, inFamous, Fallout and Fable (and more) have all had a morality (or karma) system) it seems that choosing between the good guy and the bad guy is easier, until a game called “I am alive” appeared on the market. It turned the morality system into a mutated creature from hell. Once again what you do will not affect anything in your game, but it will leave you feeling guilty. In I am Alive all resources are scarce, most of the time in the game you will only be carrying 2 first aid kits and a couple of bullets (and only a few of other items). So when you come up to some innocent civilians who are in a bit of trouble (extremely sick and need a first aid kit, or trapped in a locked room which only a bullet can break) and you have to make the choice to keep your items to yourself and have the guilt building up inside you knowing a few pixels are going to die, or share your items with everyone but make your life that much stressful because you can’t afford to take too much damage (< If you gave up your first aid kits). It seems like no matter what you do, you are always on the rough side of the stick.

More and more games these days are including the infamous morality system and that is definitely a good thing (as it adds more depth and emotion to the game) but one thing developers need to remember, you don’t have to have writing constantly coming up and a bar to represent your karma, all you need is to make us think!

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Another update

Hey guys, this isn’t as much of an update but more of an info post. Until I become so popular that sites are giving me free games, reviews will be limited. I will review a few games that I already have but other than that it is a matter of waiting for me to buy the new games. Since everything is cheaper on the PC, once I get my PC I will have more games which means more reviews. The games I will probably be reviewing soon: Fallout: New Vegas (Maybe), Homefront (Definitely), Smackdown vs Raw 2011 (Definitely), Black Ops (Probably) and Batman: Arkham City (Maybe). Make sure to check in tomorrow as I will be posting another article! Make sure to share this site with your friends (like you didn’t know that already), thanks and goodbye.

Friday, 9 March 2012

Hey guys, bringing you another wonderful update. A long with the new article that I just posted, I always have given the site a (temporary) logo. If this all goes well and I start getting a few more people checking this place out I may start getting other people to write Articles to help them become popular as well. Although I will never be having more than 4 writers I think it might be interesting having more than 1 person run the show.

Stay tuned for more updates and articles. This weekend I will be posting a preview for Assassins Creed 3 and a review for the iPhone app "The Simpsons: All tapped out". That is all for now, cya!


Here is the new logo:

The Ban-hammer strikes again!

It's never fun when gamers hear that their favourite game is banned. The game you have been waiting on for so long but will never reach your hands! Sure you can import it, but you want the game now, not in two weeks. Games like Manhunt, Shellshock 2: Blood Trails, Postal 2 and (more recently) Syndicate have received the “Refused Classification” label. Certain games like Alien vs Predator, Left 4 Dead 2, Fallout 3 and F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin found themselves in Australian Stores eventually (the reason being they got tinkered with to not be so brutally violent). Games for Xbox Original/360, PS1/2/3, PC/Mac and Nintendo (don’t make me start the Nintendo list) have been banned, but the new PS Vita (released recently) may be seeing its first banned game.

Last year (2011) in the month of February we saw our favourite game Mortal Kombat 9 being banned. Lots of copies were imported but that doesn’t mean they were legally allowed in Australia. Now it looks as though the new Mortal Kombat game for the PS Vita will be banned too.  Now Mortal Kombat for PS Vita is going to go through the same pain Mortal Kombat 9 did (not being advertised, displayed or sold here in Australia) and Warner Brothers had this to say:

“Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment submitted Mortal Kombat Vita for classification to the Australian Classification Board as we believed that the smaller screen of the PlayStation Vita greatly reduced the impact of violence. This view was not shared by the Australian Classification Board and as such has been Refused Classification in Australia.”

It's a shame that we have to lose yet another brilliant game to the rather random ban-hammer of the Australian Classification Board. Even though it has already been confirmed that games will be receiving the needed R18+ classification, we should still prepare ourselves for more banned games. Last year I imported Mortal Kombat and I loved it, it was a shame then and it is a shame now that we will be saying goodbye to a fantastic series and fantastic game, Mortal Kombat.

Well that is all from me guys, don’t forget to tell everyone about this place and leave me your feedback! I could use all the help I can get!

If you have a PS Vita and you really want Mortal Kombat, you can always import (like I have mentioned many a time in this article). I personally suggest you get your games from a brilliant site called Very Reasonably Priced PS3 Games. It’s a safe and friendly site where you can important pretty much any PS game (Don’t worry about getting f*cked over with the region code) and it has a lot of great deals. You can check out the page on facebook:

See the tweets on twitter:

Check out the very own VRP blogspot:

Or you can go straight to the website:

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Quick Update

Hey guys, Michael here. I have just finished updating the site to make it look as good as possible in the short time (and skill) I have. If you find any typo's (or problems in general) or you know how to make this blog look that much sexier, please tell me. Thanks again to all who helped me put this site together. Bye bye!

P.S. Don't forgot to tell all the people you know (and don't know) about this place. Every view counts <3

!!!Gotham City Imposters = First Review!!!

Bruce Wayne. His parent’s died when he was a little kid, he inherited all their money and now he is all grown up, billionaire and owns his own company. Oh did I mention he is Batman? We have seen many games, cartoons, comics and movies about Batman fighting evil in Gotham City. But what happens when Batman isn’t in Gotham City? Or just too distracted with some big villain to notice the other smaller crimes? This is where Gotham City Imposters comes in.

Developer Monolith Productions has created this cheeky, FPS ‘download only’ game and they sure can be proud of it. The storyline of Gotham City Imposters is so simple anyone with an IQ higher than 10 can understand, Batman has his hands full with Joker, Penguin and the rest of the super villains, so when he leaves Gotham to tend to these villains, some crazy people dress up like clowns (more specifically, Joker) and start stealing, killing and committing crime after crime. To stop these crazy people, another group of crazy people dress up like Bat-man to restore order. Instead of striking fear into people’s hearts, keeping to the shadows and choking someone while holding them over the ledge of an extremely tall building, these “Bat people” just simply kill the enemy.

The tools of death in this game consist of your average guns (Rifles, SMG, LMG, Sniper, Pistol ect) and some wacky gadgets. For example, as a replacement of the claymore (You can find this bad boy in any Call of Duty, Battlefield 3 and real life army) you get a Jack in the Box combined with dynamite. All weapons and tools in this game are completely balanced, there are weapons that you may find easier to use, but for the other “hard weapons” can be extremely deadly in the right hands. The weapons also contain a great deal of customization, you can change anything from the small things, like the colour, to the big things, like your attachments.

Speaking of customization, the customization in Gotham City Imposters seems to be endless. You can customize anything from your cowl all the way to your feet. You can change your body size, your voice and everything about your character. In the new DLC coming out Monolith Productions is including a Ninja costume, so don’t be annoyed if you can’t find anything you like, more is coming! The customization choices you make can also give an effect on your characters performance in game, most importantly your body type. If you choice the big, strong, incredible hulk replica, you will find yourself walking slower than a snail around the map but your health will last longer than anyone else. Yet if you decide to go with the slim small ballerina, you will find yourself dying from a paper cut.

The gameplay in Gotham City Imposters if great. Not only is fast and fluid, but it is also a lot of fun. There isn’t much lag (I have only experienced 1 game full of lag out of a total of 60+ games) and the hit detection of weapons is extremely good. With a total of 3 game modes, 5 maps, a challenges mode and initiation mode, there are lots of things do in the world of Gotham City Imposters. All the weapons and gadgets are balanced and trust me when I say, you will NOT get bored from this game.

For a game that is download only at a total cost of (roughly) $15.00 and only contains a multiplayer mode and nothing else it is amazing. The gameplay is fast, smooth and balanced. The customization is great and will last you a long time. Most importantly, this game is fun. The one thing I love most in a game is it’s fun factor, and because this game is a good 9-10 in the fun factor I will give this game a score of 9.5/10. 

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

So it begins!

The site is now up, the site where I can (and will) be posting gaming articles and gaming reviews and more! Thank you to those who helped me in making this site, and to those who actually gave me the idea to not wait for someone else to make me popular but instead make myself popular. Hope you all enjoy, the first review will be out soon!